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If you're an old music lover--old, and a music lover, or a lover of old music--you'll recognize the name Karen Carpenter and the song, Rainy Days and Mondays (always get me down). Probably the best female vocalist of the 60's and 70's, she died in 1983 at age thirty-two from heart failure, a complication from anorexia nervosa. I was listening to her CD today. There's a line in Rainy Days that goes, "I always run to the one who loves me." The thought came to mind, But suppose there's nobody there to run to on those rainy days? Her solution is in her hit, I Just Fall In Love Again. But I can tell you that after twenty-five years as a marriage and family therapist more people are hurt in these kinds of falls than any other. Is this where you are? One fall too many? Have you considered that perhaps you need to get acquainted with a loving Father before you find a loving mate--a Father who knows something about love? I'm not saying that God is a substitute for a flesh-and-blood mate. But I am saying that your problems with rainy days and Mondays may have something to do with your relationship with the Father, first and foremost. Perhaps you've been running your life too long by yourself. How about letting this loving Father into your life to give you some direction? Jesus Christ came to show the way. He said, "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No man comes to the Father except by Me" (John 14:6). Perhaps He has the cure for rainy days and Mondays. # # #