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At one time or another we all have made terrible mistakes. The Federal Government has given us an excellent example of how to do it and get away with it. What you must do is use big words and keep a straight face. Let me give you an example. Right now the government is borrowing money in the trillions of dollars. Are they worried about the debt? Not at all. Those who are involved sit in front of the camera, and when questioned about the debt they keep a straight face and say, "We are monetizing the debt." Most of us don't know what the word "monetize" means, and when it is spoken calmly, with a straight face by a top federal official, it must mean that they have our debt under control. But monitizing the debt is just another way of saying, "Let's print more money to cover it." According to the government, we don't have trillions of dollars of debt. They have printed more money to cover it--over 100% more has been printed in the past year. Doesn't that do the job? Not at all. What it does is lower the value of the American dollar--which now is approaching 30% less in value. The result of that is inflation--our food and shelter costing us more. If something was worth a dollar years ago, it will cost about $1.30 now. One African nation that has done this over the years now has worthless money. It's just a lot of paper. The result for Americans will be a cost of living speeding far ahead of the money we make. Our comfortable style of living will be a thing of the past, simply because of inflation. Most of my blogs have been on spiritual themes. Though we have a responsibility as citizens to bring our government under control, we do have a power that is beyond our government. The Apostle Paul says: My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19). The gift of Christ our Savior is the greatest gift God has given. It is according to this glorious standard that He will meet our needs. But remember, He is talking about needs, not fat living. # # #