Bartimaeus Alliance of the Blind, Incorporated

Listed below are links to other websites which may be of interest or helpful in your search for relevant information about a variety of topics related to the Christian faith and more. BAB Inc. does not necessarily agree with in part or all of the information found on these sites.

Click here for Grant Metcalf's Celebration of Life Recorded Service

In memory of our founder Grant E. Metcalf Click here for his obituary

Circle of Love Ministry for the blind where you can subscribe to their magazine on DAISY cartridges

Valley Bible Church, Cherry Grove, OR -- home of the Dispensational Theological Seminary. You will find recorded messages, outlines and much more.
The Grace Bible Church of Titusville Florida, Pastor Kevin Jeffery. Has links to audible messages, PDF outlines and more.
Braille Bibles International: Provides braille Bibles and other materials including a braille Greek New Testament on request.

Bibles For The Blind: We are pleased to announce that the BRF files that we have used to create hard copy braille are now on our website. The KJV Bible, 17 BRF files; The daily devotional My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, 4 BRF files and much more.
I Read I See (IRIS) formally the Gospel Association for the Blind has merged with other organizations. They have a braille lending library For more information please click here
The Gospel Light Foundation for the Blind provides: messages on tape and braille materials free for the blind. For more information on the ministry and materials please click here
Fanny Crosby -- Christian History
Janet Perez Eckles - blind bilingual Spanish Christian inspirational speaker and author - Home Page
The home page of Mike Calvo: Yesterday Today and Forever Ministries. Mike is a physically blind Christian and founder of Serotek, a company providing screen reader access to computers and the internet for the visually impaired.
Visit the Serotek Homepage for multiple computer related asistive technology products for the visually impaired.
Resources for the Blind: a ministry in the Philippines providing braille, audio and large print materials for the visually impaired.

Preach The Word: the home page of David Legge, the former Pastor of the Iron Hall Evangelical Church in Belfast Northern Ireland. He is now engaged in a ministry as an evangelist, preacher and Bible teacher. You will find recorded messages in .mp3 format as well as a variety of print and braille formats.
Grace Teaching: This site contains a small portion of the teaching ministry of Timothy C. Hoelscher. Tim graduated from Dispensational Theological Seminary in 1989. Then, in 1991, Tim and his family moved to Royal City, WA, where Tim began pastoring First Baptist Church. On this site, you will also find audio files by Tim and others from Bible based Studies, as well as notes and study aids.
Grace Life Baptist Church, Tigard, Oregon: Recorded Messages and more
The First Baptist Church of Wheatland Wyoming -- Recorded messages plus.
The Grace Baptist Church and Kelsey Peach Ministries.
The Middletown Bible Church, Middletown , Conecticut: Multiple Resources
Spoken Word Ministries -- Offering recorded materials and online ministries for the blind.

Desktop Braille Publishing: BRINGING THE TRUTH OF GOD S WORD TO PEOPLE WHO ARE BLIND -- offering Sunday School Literature, Books, and Gospel Tracts in Braille at no charge.

Word of Grace Studies: This church in Monroe WA is pastored by Luther Walker and has a website which includes audios, outlines, blogs, et cetera.

Clearer Vision Ministries: Providing audible recordings of Christian books and magazines for the blind with a special emphasis on college level textbooks.
Barry Carver, blind pastor. Want to know what God's grace is all about? Listen to his personal testimony and other messages by clicking here.
Association of Christian Ministries to the Blind
Optasia Ministry: providing Scanned Christian study materials and multiple Bibles on CD for the visually impaired. Click here for contact info and to visit the website.
You can download up to 3 free audio Bibles here from Faith Comes by Hearing. Multiple English versions and over 700 languages are available.
LBEA Lutheran Braille Evangelism Association: providing braille, audio and large print resources for the blind
LBW: Lutheran Braille Workers, a Christian Outreach with Visually Impaired people in mind
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Deaf Missions webpage. Many resources here for the deaf related to sign language.
Six Friends: lists numerous resources for the blind and disabled.
Saints Serving: This is a link to a website which provides a generous amount of Bible-based hymns available online or CDs.
Louis Braille's Vision -- Here you will find the story behind the creation of braille and links to helpful information regarding vision issues for all ages. An interesting website.
Torch Trust for the Blind: providing materials and services for the blind and low vision individual in England and around the world
Jewish Braill Institute website for those interested in studying Hebrew.
Newday-Prince Ministeries: the website for David and Rachel Prince. The testimonies of how this Christ centered couple joyfully face the many physical disabilities in their lives.
Lloyd and Judy Rasmussen's Home Page
Braille Book Store -- Has several English language versions of the Bible ready for embossing on request.
Strong's Concordance may be accessed here.
Link to text version of Synonyms of the New Testament by Richard C. Trench
The Bible Researcher website where you can find lots of Bible study resources relating to Greek and Hebrew.
The Bible Hub: contains multiple English translations as well as other languages including Biblical Hebrew and Greek. Many other resources available.
ParallelGreek New Testament by John Hurt. You will find several Greek versions as well as English versions of each verse. There is a whole lot more on this site, but you will have to determine how helpful it can be to you.
Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament. This has been prepared by Maurice A. Robinson, originally for the Online Bible, and has a comparative apparatus to the Nestles-Alland 26th UBS edition. Be sure to check the different letters used to transliterate the Greek to English. Also posted on the Greek Tools page is a braille coded version of these files.
Christian Classics Etherial Library: Lots of books and authors in a variety of formats available here for reading online or downloading. Several direct links to dictionaries and to A.T. Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament and R.A. Torrey's Topical Text book will also be found below along with a link to Nave's Topical Bible.
Nave'S Topical Bible
Works by Philip Schaff, historian of the Christian Church, listed here on CCEL including a biography, the Ante-Nicene Fathers, and works about.
Easton's Bible Dictionary. You can look up entries online or even download the dictionary in a text file. The dictionaries are also inter-linked.
Smith's Bible Dictionary. You can also download the full dictionary in a text file.
Hitchcock's Glossary of Bible Names
R.A. Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Index to Word Pictures in the New Testament by A.T. Robertson -- the CCEL site lacks: John, Hebrews through Revelation.
Fox's Book of Martyrs, found on the website Darby's Synopsis of the Bible (New Testament only)
International Bible Encyclopedia -- This website has the KJV Bible read by Dan Wagner in mp3 audio as well as
McGee's commentary by-the-book all numbered to play in proper order. If you like McGee and need audio this is a treasure! It works well on the Victor Stream Reader and probably others.
Thru The Bible Radio: you can download Outlines for the broadcast. Also, you can order a CDROM of the "life Works Library" by J. Vernon McGee from the online store.
The Daily Audio Bible website where you can listen to selected daily readings by Brian Hardin.
Chafer Theological Seminary located in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Link to the downloadpage for the Chafer Theological Seminary (CTS) journals.
Home of the Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
Tyndale Seminary home page. Unfortunately, they have apparently dropped their links to the Dispensational International Research Network (DIRN) Online: Articles on Dispensationalism and biographies of Dispensationalists
Here is a link to some materials written by Miles J. Stanford, dispensationalist. Pre-Trib Research Center: Article Archive
Bible Centre: links to E-books and Bible commentaries plus
Wholesome Words Biographies Page with links to about 50 brief bios.
The Online Bible USA: Excellent resource materials. You can also order a CD of the Online Bible program at: 800-243-7124.
See also, Online Bible USA home page or Cross Country Software.
Power Bible CD. Lots of Bible translations commentaries and study aids. Not quite as screen reader friendly as the Online Bible program. You can order this by phone at 517-369-2195 or from Online Publishing at 800-243-7124. - The Net Bible and links to many articles and books online.

Online Parallel Bibles
Institute for Creation Research
Free Online Books (Monergism): Another site with an extensive amount of books in electronic format.
Link to The Coming Prince by Sir Robert Anderson.
A Short History of Dispensationalism by Thomas Ice.
The Calvinistic Heritage of Dispensationalism by Thomas Ice.
What Is Progressive Dispensationalism? Another article by Thomas Ice.
The Thomas Ice Collection. Many more articles on the Rapture and Premillennialism.
Rapture Ready: An interesting website which you can enjoy exploring at your own risk.
A link to Thomas L. Constable's Expository Notes on the Bible.
Hymn TIME--The Cyber Hymnal: Title Index - Click on a letter and then a title to find the text of a hymn. Probably best accessed with Java capability.
Hymn Time--The Cyber Hymnal: Download Page - Here you will find an index of all the hymn titles with the most common tune(s). Also there are available midi files. Additionally, there are print music resources.
Hymn Time--The Cyber Hymnal: Bibliographies - An alphabetical index of authors and composers.
Click here for the Fanny Crosby link.
The Net Hymnal
Walter Martin's Religious InfoNet
The Christian Research Institute
Midwest Christian Outreach, Christian Apologetics and Counter-Cult Ministry.
Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries
Apologetics Index: Information about cults, sects, movements, doctrines, apologetics and counter-cult ministry. Also: daily religion news, articles Christian life and ministry, editorials, daily cartoon.
The Psychic Guide Dogs -- link to an article by Bob Anderson
Click here to see an index of the quarterly publication DISPENSATIONAL BRIEFS. Articles have been written by Professors and graduates of the Dispensational Theological Seminary.
Dispensational Theological Forums: recorded messages and papers posted.
Bible Broadcasting Network Bible Institute: An online audio-based free Bible Study program. Available in several languages.
Bible Study Manuals: Links to a large number of study tools along with interesting and stimulating insights.
Baptist Bible Believers: You can find numerous books and authors, et cetera, listed here alphabetically and by topic.
So Great Salvation: J.F. Strombeck: If you want to know what it's all about, read this book. Found in our Public Domain section and on the Baptist Bible Believers' website.

Link to 25 recorded Lectures on the Spiritual Life by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer.
The Ray C. Stedman Complete Library online -- Extensive index with HTML, MP3 audio, and PDF formats available on many of the postings. Certainly worth exploring.

Grace Notes: You can find numerous articles and Bible studies on this site.
Probe Ministries: A para-church ministry with lots of articles and information related to contemporary culture and Biblical issues, focusing especially on young people and education.
Grace Family Journal. Scroll down to find chronological links to each year beginning with 1998 to the present. select a year to see a listing of articles and authors. Many good articles but in .PDF format. website. offers free Bible study software, etc., on CD. Also,
E-sword Users: A site where users of the E-sword software share digitized books using the E-sword modular format.
Theophilos Bible Software: Downloadable or readable online. You pay for some parts, but many free books and articles can be found here. In the Uploads section Theophilos allows many contraversial articles.
Grace Gems: to find the index of authors and their books click on Books or usemap, then books. You will find books by several Puritan writers, Charles Spurgeon and others on the website, frequently edited to update the language. Also audio files available here.
Light by Design: For a donation provides a CD with over 400 books. This link takes you to the book list.
The diabetic-talk email list info page hosted by the NFB
The Glycemic Index for diabetics.
Chana Dal: The story of a marvelous food for diabetics. Includes more than 40 recipes in one braille volume - 40-cpi, 25-lpp. This material has been taken from David Mendosa's website where you can view everything included here and much, much more.To go there click on the following link.
Prodigy Diabetes Care LLC, a division of Diagnostic Devices Inc., manufacturer of the talking Prodigy Voice and Autocode glucometers for diabetics and, the FDA approved, Count-A-Dose, an insulin measuring device with audible and tactile clicks used by the blind for precise insulin dose measurement. Phone 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM EST, 1-800-366-5901
Volunteer Braillests and Tapists Inc., Madison, WI. They have some braille hymnals available. Phone: 608-233-0222.
The East Bay Center for the Blind, Incorporated, Berkeley, CA
The San Diego Center for the Blind
  • Link to Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California.
  • You might also find the Guide Horse Foundation website of interest.
  • Saving Guide for people with disabilities -- Lists discounts available to people with various disabilities
  • also provides Bible Study resources in special formats for the print-impaired
  • Visit Dr. Ed Hersh's blog for some encouraging Christian counselling articles
  • and his website here
  • Spoken Word Ministries, Inc. has just launched a new Christian library that all blind citizens of the U.S. may access. click on the join link to submit a registration form.
  • Talking offers various solar powered talking Bibles Although these Bibles are primarily intended for those who cannot read they are an affordable way for the blind to obtain an audio Bible
  • is the retail site for purchasing Talking Bibles
  • Download the Talking Bible Operators Guide here
  • Download the Talking Bible User Guide here
  • Audio Bibles For The Blind, a division of Aurora Ministries sells audio Bibles, and players in DAISY and MP3 formats P.O. Box 621 Brandenton, FL 34206 Phone: 941.748.3031 Fax: 941.748.6137 Email:
  • World Mission sells solar powered audio Bibles. They have access to many versions of the Bible including NASB, KJV, NKJV, NIV, and ESV. Our full Bible Treasures are $40 a piece and our New Testament Treasures are $38 a piece. They are solar powered and able to be charged via the sun, but if you wish to purchase an actual charger, those are $5. Shipping costs for 1-25 units is $8.40. 4200 Alpine Avenue NW Comstock Park, MI 49321 616-534-5689
  • Christian Audio offers a free download each month, and has commercially available content in MP3 and other digital formats
  • has a vast collection of Books in DAISY and BRF formats, including Christianity and religious.
  • Learning Ally formerly Recording for the Blind ... has scholarly books including Christianity and religious.
  • The NFB News Line Online has Guideposts Magazine as one of many newspapers and magazines available for online viewing and downloading
  • The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped also has Bibles and materials for Christianity and religious
  • For those called to persue a seminary education visit Southern California Seminary Bartimaeus CEO, Mike Martin, earned his Master of Arts in Christian Ministry online here
  • Duncan Holmes is a blind pianist, and has CDs available for purchase.
  • Spirit of Error is one site dedicated to exposing false teaching

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