Bartimaeus Alliance of the Blind,
Home Public Domain Articles & Books
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In memory of our founder Grant E. Metcalf Click here for his obituary
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As of February 2016, Grant Metcalf, the founder of BABInc is no longer managing or supporting this website. Please direct all inquiries to Mike Martin Phone: 760-739-1360 or Click Here to Email him! We thank Grant for his long and faithful service. He has faithfully served as BABInc founder and president for over 25 years. Mike will be attempting to fill this void.
September 17, 2019: Bartimaeus Alliance of the Blind Inc. (BABInc) is now able to accept your tax-deductable donations via Pay Pal here September 16, 2019: Introduction to Hebrew: A Guide for Learning and Using Biblical Hebrew William Fullilove P&R Publishers Copyright (C) 2017 Transcribed 2019 by Sarah Blake LaRoseOctober 21, 2015: The Dispensational Briefs Volume 4, numbers 2-3, 4, 5, 6, 1996, and Volume 5 number 1, 1997 are now online.
September 21, 2015: The Dispensational Briefs published from 1993-2008 are once again continuing to be posted here in an HTML format. A link also has been created on the Home Page to the Briefs. This is a work in progress containing many helpful articles on a variety of topics. Issues V.3 N.5, V.3 N.6, V.4 N.1 & v.14 N1 have now been posted. It is hoped the remaining briefs can be posted over the next several months.
Click here to hear the Bartimaeus Bible Conference messages August 17-21, 2015. The messages were posted on the website shortly after the Conference.
July 21, 2015:The 2015 Biblical Forum held at the Grace Bible Church of Titusville, FL has been posted. There are 14 recorded messages and 7 accompanying PDF outlines. Must Listening!
July 21, 2015:The continuing sermon series on Passive Voice Verbs in Grace Salvation is still going on, although, I have fallen behind in posting the most recent messages. Click here and you can find the more recent messages on the home website for Valley Baptist Church webpage.
Word of Grace Studies: Word of Grace Studies Church: located in Monroe WA - Luther Walker, Pastor-Teacher. At this link you will find audios, outlines, etc.
December 31, 2013: Check here to find out what new Bible-based recorded messages may have been added during the last year.
December 31, 2013: Arrangements have been made with Ray McAllister, PHD, to develop an audible beginning Hebrew course based around Weingreen's Grammar. If you need to learn Biblical Hebrew, this should be a great help. Our goal is to complete the first 15 lessons by July 1, 2014. You should check the Hebrew tools page over the next six months to follow the postings. The brailled versions of the Weingreen Grammar and the Hebrew Morphology listed below will be useful as well.
December 31, 2013: A comprehensive Hebrew Morphology,has been added to the Hebrew Tools page and also included in the zip file containing Weingreen's Grammar. The morphology contains verbs, nouns, and pronouns and was primarily based on the grammar by van der Merwe, et al.
September 30, 2013: A Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew by J. Weingreen PHD, 2nd, edition, 1959, complete in 9 braille volumes has once again been reposted on the Hebrew Study Aids page. Thanks to Sarah Blake for additional revisions and corrections to this project.
September 7, 2012: Expository Notes on the Epistles of James, First and Second Peter by Harry Ironside can be found here in html format.
August 27, 2012: Click here to find and listen to the ten Bible studies from the August 20-24 Bartimaeus Bible Conference.
August 14, 2012: Click here to find print and braille versions of "The Mysteries of God" by Harry A. Ironside. A small but helpful book on a topic often ignored.
July 10, 2012: Click here to find and
download two more books which you wil find have been added to the Christian
Bookshare Library. They are "The Sabbath and The Lord's Day" by H.M. Riggle,
and "Sabbath In Christ" by Dale Ratzlaff.
May 29, 2012: Click here to read the latest addition to the Public Domain Library page -- "Me! A Priest?".
February 15, 2012: Click here to find the announcement
about the Bartimaeus Bible Conference dates in August 2012.
February 13, 2012: Beginning with the
sermon series Passive Voice Verbs and Grace Salvation, in addition to the
Synopses and Outlines, a link to the Audio of each message has been added.
November 15, 2011: The series on Second
Peter by Pastor Spurbeck has been completed and now posted along with his
unique translation of the Epistle. You will find all 42 synopses and outlines
here along with the translation.
November 1, 2011: The now complete digitized
version of Basics of Biblical Greek by Bill Mounce is now available in a zip
file. It has been slightly modified from the original 20 files/volumes and now
is 10 files/volumes. This edition was brailled in 1999 and may have some
variations from more recent revisions of the print grammar.
September 23: Volume 8 of Green's Greek
Lexicon has been posted along with a zip file of all 8 volumes.
September 22: The addition of volume 2 and the
workbook to the zip file of Basics of Biblical Greek by Mounce. More to come soon.
September 21: An improved edition of
Weingreen's Practical Grammar for Classical Hebrew Volume 1. Apologies for the delays in getting the remaining volumes prepared for posting.
September 17: The recorded messages from the
Bartimaeus Bible Conference, September 12-15.
August 31, 2011: Created an Audio Index page of all recorded messages on the website.
June 8, 2011: The Comforting Hope of An Intermediate
Body by Richard L. Schafer. Here is an interesting article which will help you understand
the state of the Christian who experiences physical death prior to the Rapture.
Based on sound literal Biblical interpretation. Also available on the Braille Library page.
May 27, 2011: Recently added to the Greek
Tools page is a zip file containing braille formatted GNT Parsing Guides for
the Byzantine and UBS3 texts. Also on the Hebrew link you will find a Hebrew
parsing Guide and also an unpointed Hebrew text, both of which are braille
Five volumes of Thomas Sheldon Green's Greek NT Lexicon have
also been posted, 3 more to follow.
May 14, 2011: Maturing
In Christ by H.L. Schafer has been posted to the Christian Bookshare page, also
to the Braille Library page. This single volume is a compilation of the 7
booklets of the Christian Life Series with an additional eighth chapter entitled
"Different Relationships to the Holy Spirit. Do check it out!
May 10, 2011: Sharpening Your Focus: Three
small books designed to capture your interest on a variety of stimulating
Biblical topics. These are presented here as separate articles in a PDF format
which can be easily read or printed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
February 8, 2011: The sermon outlines
for First and Second Peter are now up-to-date.
February 6, 2011: Five Greek New Testaments, UBS4,
Westcott-Hort, Byzatine Majority, Orthodox Greek Church, and Comparative
Greek New Testament, all formatted for use on a braille computer display are
available in one zip file.
February 5, 2011: In braille format, the
Septuagint Old Testament as well as the Leningrad version of the Hebrew Old
Testament are now available on the Greek Tools page in zipped files.
October 5, 2010: The seven recorded messages from
the September Bartimaeus Bible Conference have been posted along with outlines
of the messages. You will find links to them here along with messages from
previous years as well as on the home page. The theme revolves around
the Glory of God and Doxologies.
May 29, 2010: Reading Revelation:
a brief, simple guide with outline to help you understand the last book of
the Bible. Also available in braille format.
February 13: Added a new link to the Home Page
called Library Index. This link provides a somewhat alphabetical list by
author's last name of the books and articles posted on the BABINC website.
No I didn't include links with each listing. You will still have to go to
the appropriate page depending on the location of which format you want.
January 14, 2010: Getting Grace: How
God Teaches Us About His Grace. This small book by Timothy Holscher has been
posted to the Public Domain, Articles and Books page. You will find this book
to be thoughtful and stimulating. Doubtless, ou'll enjoy this unique and
down-to-earth discussion about God's grace.
January 4, 2010: We have just signed the contract for the 2010 Bartimaeus
Bible Conference to be held at Redwood Glen Camp from Monday, September 13 to
Friday, September 17, 2010. The cost will be $250 (250-dollars) per person.
Further info will be forth coming in the next couple of months.
December 30: Just posted God's House Plans
in braille format both on the Braille Library page as well as the Public Domain
page in a zipped file. See below and enjoy!
December 26: God's House Plans:
A Study of Dispensations, Ages and Covenants by Timothy C. Holscher. This book,
written in 2008, takes a very practical approach to the subject matter
outlined in the title. You will find this an excellent as well as practical
discussion of Biblical dispensations, ages, and covenants, unlike most others
you may have read.
December 2: At last, all
three volumes of "Life On The Highest Plane" are posted in the Public Domain
Library. Click here to download the zipped text files.
November 16: I have just posted Holiness:
The False and the True by Ironside in .mp3 files. Textaloud was the program
used to convert the text file of the book. This is the first attempt at using
this program and it is hoped that you will find it satisfactory.
You can also find it posted on the Harry A. Ironside index linked to the
Public Domain page.
November 14: Posted the second volume of
Ruth Paxson's "Life On The Highest Plane -- The Relation Between Christ And
The Christian". Keep checking back for volume 3 as well as other books.
October 30: Posted "Life On The Highest
Plane - The Person And Work Of Christ" by Ruth Paxson. This is the first book
of a three volume series that is well worth the reading.
October 17: Posted "John--His Record of
Christ" by W.E. Vine.
September 26: Two Men, Two Acts,
Two Results: The Gospel According to Paul by J.A. Youngberg has just been
posted to the Public Domain section. This is a must read! Recently recommended
to me, I found this 1939 publication a concise and thorough discussion of
the Good News.
September 21-22: Some additions have been made to two articles. Andy
Bustanoby added a footnote to "Called To Trial And Perfection found on his
Personal Page.
Excerpts from W.E. Vine and A.C.
Gaebelein have benn added to a revision of "The Body: What Is It?" They both
comment on the misapplication of "bread" and "flesh" in John Chapter 6.
September 12: Andy Bustanoby after more than a
year, updates us and writes another of his insightful blogs.
September 9: Updated and fixed links to Vine's
Expository Dictionary. You will find 2 different links to this dictionary
on the Public Domain, New Testament Greek Tools, and Other Links pages.
September 7: First Peter Series
updated through August 30, #23 posted.
August 25: Posted a link to the complete Word Pictures
in the New Testament by Robertson as well as links to online Bible translations.
The CCEL links do not have John, nor Hebrews through Revelation. Also added a
link to Jamieson, Faussett and Brown (1871) Commentary.
August 10: A link to the KJV Bible in mp3
audio and Thru The Bible radio commentary now posted on the Links page.
It works nicely on the Victor Stream Reader and fits on an 8 GB SD card.
Also put a link to the E-sword Users
August 7, 2009: The text of Hebrews Verse by
Verse by William R. Newell has been corrected. Thanks to Mike Loy who pointed
out that Chapter Eleven had been omitted and Chapter Twelve included twice.
It has been fixed and if you have previously downloaded the file, you will
want to retrieve this corrected version. And please let us know if you find
correctable errors. It will be appreciated
July 23: Earlier this week I completed
posting the Rapture Series Sermon Synopses and Outlines. This is a great series
that makes it plain as to how being Rapture Ready is practical for the spiritual
Christian's life.
Recently someone named
Phil emailed me with a link to Lewis Sperry Chafer lectures on the Spiritual
Life. These are mp3 formatted reproductions of what is probably wire recordings
made about 60 years ago. I placed links to these lectures with the Chafer books
as well as here.
June 27: Braille Greek New Testament: the Bartimaeus Accented Edition is now
available in 8 volumes hardcopy from Braille Bibles International. If this would
be helpful in your study of the Word of God, please check with Craig Leeds at
BBI. Phone: 800-522-4253 or email
June 15: First Peter Series: An
ongoing exposition of 1 Peter is currently updated.
June 5: Finished posting the 14 messages
in the "Rest Series" based on Hebrews 3 and 4.
Starting a new series on expository messages from First Peter found following
the Rest Series in the Sermons Index.
Revised the Links page and included some additional links.
May 5: Added links to biographical sketches of Fanny
Crosby and George Matheson to the Personal pages.
Renewed the Cyber Hymnal links on the Links Page.
May 3, 2009: Arlene Hendriks updates her mission to
Bogot , Colombia before leaving for home.
April 28, 2009: Revised the title page in the Greek New Testament, the
Bartimaeus Accented Edition to reflect Braille Bibles International's
cooperation in producing hardcopies. You can email your request for a
braille hardcopy of the Greek New Testament, Bartimaeus Accented Edition to or phone 800-522-4253.
April 24, added some more links to the Links Page and deleted the Resources
April 21, 2009: "A
Commentary On Revelation: The Revelation of Jesus Christ" by J.B. Smith has
been posted on the Christian Bookshare page. Perhaps one of the best
commentaries written.
Also, posted the Smith commentary as well
as the Walvoord commentary of Revelation in zip files. These are only minimally formatted text files. They are
to be found on the Christian Bookshare Page.
April 16: Two amazing stories related by Barry
Carver on the Personal Pages. The first is his testimony, the second
that of his daughter Mariah who was attacked by 5 pit bulls.
A link to Pastor Barry's Presentations has also
been added to the Other Links Page.
April 8, 2009: The Greek New Testament Bartimaeus
Accented Edition project has been finished, proof read by Karen Gearreald,
and now is in the Hands of Craig Leeds at Braille Bibles International.
You can obtain a hardcopy paper edition from BBI by calling or emailing
Craig at:, or phone 800-522-4253. Additionally,
you will find these files on the Greek New testament page along with
several other digital versions.
April 5: Joanna's Journey: a
series of emails have been updated. If you have been reading this series,
this link will take you to the current postings. Otherwise, follow the link
and then go to the top of the file and read it from there. You will see
Christ at work in real life circumstances.
Sorry about the slowness of postings, but my computer has been down for
the second time this year for 2 weeks.
March 11, 2009: A Manual Grammar of
the Greek New Testament by Dana and Mantey, braille volume 6, has been
posted on the Greek Tools Page. This is the final volume and the book
is now complete thanks to the ladies from the Santa Clara Transcription
March 10, 2009: More additions have been made
to Joanna's Journey, plus a new page has been posted for Arlene Hendriks
who has traveled to Bogot , Colombia to do some missionary work among
the deaf there. The direct link is:
Arlene Hendriks From South of the Border.
Also, I have begun updating the
Sermon Synopses and outlines for the Rest Series.
February 25, 2009: The Greek New Testament,
Bartimaeus Accented Edition has been completed and the Gospel of John
has been posted on the Greek New Testaments page. Watch for the
announcement of a hardcopy edition published by Braille Bibles International.
February 22, 2009: Joanna's
Journey, a series of emails on the personal pages about the major life
change for one of God's dear children.
February 11: Posted the Gospel of Luke, volume 3
of the fully accented edition of the Bartimaeus Accented Greek New Testament.
January 15: Added the Bartimaeus Accented
Edition of the Gospel of Mark to the Greek New Testaments page.
January 10, 2009: Added several
translations of the Bible to the Christianbookshare page. Most are
intended for downloading. You can read online the NASB and the Holman
Christian Study Bible as well as other versions available for
downloading: the KJV, ASV, NKJV, and NLT.>/A>
January 8, 2009: Fixed the Gospel of Mark,
the Bartimaeus Unaccented Edition. Chapter 3, verse 32 was inadvertently
omitted. It has now been added to the text and the volume file
reformatted. Please let us know if you find other errors in any
of our texts. We do want them as accurate as possible.
December 30: The Gospel of Matthew, volume 1,
of the GNT Bartimaeus Accented Edition has been posted on the Greek New
Testament page. The remaining 3 Gospels should be available by
December 12: Acts, volume 5, of the Greek
New Testament, Bartimaeus Accented Edition has been posted on the Greek
New Testaments page.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Deaf Missions Webpage now added to our Links page.
December 4: Added a link on
the Links page to Newday-Prince Ministries, the website of David and
Rachel Prince. David is blind and between he and Rachel they face many
physical challenges.
November 28: Updated the latest
series of sermons on "REST" by Pastor Spurbeck. The Outlines have not
been properly formatted as yet.
November 26th: The Bartimaeus Accented GNT
volume 8 has been posted on the Greek New Testaments page. Work now will
begin on the Gospels and Acts which will be one volume each. When
completed there are plans by Braille Bibles International to publish
this edition in hardcopy braille.
November 25th: Fixed a number of errors in the Wuest print New
Testament as well as the braille version. If you have downloaded either
of these files before today's date, you might want to do it again.
Hopefully most of the mistakes were discovered by the spell checker.
Thanks to Mat Mullins for bringing these errors to my attention.
November 24th: Dana and Mantey volume 5
of 6 is being posted today.
fixed the Wuest New Testament files by adding Titus
which had been left out inadvertently.
November 22nd: Added the Byzantine Majority GNT with braille letter
code to the Greek New Testaments page. Also, fixed a formatting error in
volume 6 of the Bartimaeus Unaccented Edition of the GNT. This was found
in 1 Corinthians 10:9and caused an 8 page reformat. Let us know if you
find others.
November 11: Volume 7 of the Bartimaeus
Accented GNT, Galatians to Hebrews, has been posted on the Greek New
Testament page.
Dates for the 2009 Bartimaeus Bible Conference
are now set.
November 10, 2008:
A new article entitled "In The Country of The Blind" has been posted in
the Public Domain section. It also contains a link to H.G. Wells classic
science fiction story "The Country of the Blind."
October 30: The Greek New Testament,
Bartimaeus Accented Edition, volume 6: Romans through Second Corinthians
has been posted. This is the first of eight volumes to be posted over
the next 6 or 8 months.
October 20: Second Corinthians from the
United Bible Society Greek New Testament with breathing marks and
accents. This is the first book completed in this format. Check it out
and let us know what you think. The project will take about 6
months to finish.
October 13: Disciplined
by Grace, written by J.F. Strombeck, has been posted on the Christian
Bookshare page. Our thanks is due to Paula Muysenberg for scanning and
editing the five Strombeck books listed on our website.
Work has begun on a braille edition of the Greek New Testament with
accented vowel forms. This will take several months to finish, however,
as various books are completed they will be posted on the Greek New
Testament Tools page. Keep checking back for progress reports.
September 27: The New Testament: An
Expanded Translation for the English reader formatted in 8 braille
volumes and posted in a zip file.<BR>
September 25-26:
Wuest's Expanded Translation of the New Testament now is complete.
You can search this digital file with book chapter and verse references,
i.e., joh 3:16. Wuest's paragraph divisions are indicated with a period
after the verse number. Also, every verse is indented two spaces and
should be ready for braille formatting and embossing as desired.
September 17: Grace and Truth by
J.F. Strombeck has been posted in the Christian Bookshare section. This
contains excellent studies on John. Many thanks again to Paula
September 13: There are 8 recorded
messages posted from the September 8 to 12, 2008 Bartimaeus Bible
Conference. We had a wonderful time of fellowship and Bible study
September 5: First and
Second Corinthians have been added to the file of Wuest's An Expanded
Translation of the Greek New Testament for the English Reader.
September 2: Volume 4 of A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament
by Dana and Mantey has been posted. Volumes 5 and 6 are awaiting
proof reading and the grammar will be complete.
September 2, 2008: The books of Acts
and Romans have been added to the Wuest New Testament. See below.
August 30: I have just finished posting
a book, chapter, and verse referenced partial edition of "The Greek New
Testament An Expanded Translation for the English reader" by Kenneth
Wuest. It is a work in progress. However, you can check it out. Open the
file and search for "joh 3:16" without the quotes. Book names are
abbreviated to the first three characters.
August 19: First the Rapture by
John Strombeck, scanned and presented by Paula Muysenberg. This is the
second of five Strombeck books Paula will be providing in the near
future. Thanks. Also, four of these books are available in .pdf
format which can be found on the Links page for
those who are non-qualified members. Of course, you must be blind or
have a proven reading disability to become a qualified member for the
restricted (copyrighted) materials.
August 15: The Inheritance of the
Church Saint by H. LaVern Schafer has been posted to the Christian
Bookshare section along with The Christian "In Christ": An Introduction
to "In Christ" Truth by David Spurbeck. This last book has been in the
Braille Library for some time. Schafer's Thesis is also available in
August 9:
August 8: Why You Should Believe in
the Trinity: An Answer to Jehovah's Witnesses by Robert M. Bowman has
been posted in the Christian Bookshare section.
Also put several links to articles by Thomas Ice both on the Public
Domain page and the Links page on dispensationalism along with a link to
additional articles by him.
August 4: Volume 3 of the 6 braille
volumes set of Dana and Mantey's "A Manual Grammar of the Greek New
Testament is now available on the Greek Tools page.
August 2nd: A link was added on the Greek
Tools page to Corey Keating's online "Resources for Learning NT Greek",
recommended by Dennis Godin.
The Training of the Twelve by
Alexander Balmain Bruce, a 19th century Scottish pastor, prepared and
submitted by Dennis Godin. Found in Christian Bookshare.
July 22: Posted both braille and html
editions of "Holiness: The False and the True" by Harry Ironside.
July 15: Several additions to the Greek
New Testament Study Tools page: Machen's New Testament Greek for
Beginners, the first two, of six, volumes of A Manual Grammar of the
Greek New Testament by Dana and Mantey, and a Beta Code version of the
Greek New Testament for the determined student who wants accents,
breathing marks, et cetera.
July 11: Introduction To The New
Testament by Henry Thiessen has been placed in the Christian Bookshare
section both in .html and .zip formats. This is a good overview of how
the New Testament has come down to us throughout the centuries from its
earliest days.
Links to Grace Notes and Probe Ministries have been
added to the Links page for your perusal.
June 7: New links have been added to
four books written by John F. Strombeck on the Public Domain Library
page. These are .PDF files. Hopefully we can have these in a different
format available to our qualified members in the near future.
Bible Study Manuals:
Additionally, a link to a very interesting site with links to lots of
study aids and where many interesting articles are to be found.
May 17: One of our qualified
members, Dennis Godin, reminded me that I had a booklet called "Worship"
by David Jeremiah which I have formatted and posted in the Christian
Bookshare section to be read online or downloaded in a zip file.
May 16: Posted the "current version" of Nestle
Aland GNT with braille formatting.
May 13: Andy Bustanoby has written a
new book entitled "Is the Bible Sufficient For Counseling?". He has
asked to publish it via the BABINC website. You will find it posted on
his Personal Ppage as a MS-Word document, also zipped for faster
downloading. IE opens the document for reading online in WordPad.
It was brought to my attention that the individual chapter links index
of Chafer's Systematic Theology was not working. That has been fixed.
Also, the "Bible Study" booklet by John G. Mitchell has had its format
cleaned up a bit.
And, don't forget to check out the Bartimaeus
Bible Conference announcemen for 2008.
May 12: Link found on our Personal Pages to
David Legge's home page "Preach The Word". David is blind, the former
Pastor of Iron Hall Evangelical Church in Belfast, Northern Ireland,
and now ministering as an evangelist, preacher and Bible teacher. You
will find MP3 recordings of his sermons along with downloadable PDF and
other formats of these sermons.
May 10: Paula Muysenberg, a new
member of our qualified list, has scanned and presented "Law and Grace"
by Alva J. McClain. She has done an excellent editing job on the text
and I am sure you will appreciate this classic study. Braille format
also available.
Also I have included a link on the Personal Pages
to an amusing story about "Seeing Eye Dogs" and a yellow cat.
May 7: Alva J. McClain's Lectures
on "Romans: The Gospel of God's Grace" has just been posted. A new
subscriber reminded me of this author and this book when discussing
beneficial resource materials. Enjoy!
Started work on Henry Thiesen's "Introduction to the New Testament and
hope to have it posted in a couple of months. Also we are working on
another Greek Grammar, "New Testament Greek for Beginners" by Machen.
Other grammars are in the works including Weingreen's Practical grammar
for Classical Hebrew.
April 30: Posted an
outline on Trinitarianism from a Theology Proper class. Excellent
summary statements and lots of Scripture references. I have finished
working on this same outline with the Scripture passages included and
have posted it as well.
Added a link to the 2008 Dispensational
Theological Forum and fixed the link to the Dispensational Briefs.
March 26-27: Completed the Annotated
Bible Commentary by Arno C. Gaebelein by adding Zephaniah, Haggai and
Zechariah. Also inserted Chronological Tables previously omitted from
First Kings and First Chronicles by Gaebelein. The reformatting should
make them easier to read.
March 22: Added Nahum and Habakkuk to
Gaebelein's Annotated Bible Commentary.
March 20: The ANSWERBOOK to the
exercises in Summer's Essentials of New Testament Greek is now posted on
the Greek Study Aids page.
A link to the Jewish Braille
Institute website has been aded to several pages. On
that site you can find Hebrew study materials and the Hebrew Old
Testament in the Digital Library section.
March 17: Added Amos, Obadiah, Jonah and
Micah to the Anotated Bible Commentary. Put two booklets, Bible Study by
John G. Mitchell and Why Are We the Enemy by Erwin Lutzer (on abortion)
in Christian Bookshare.
March 11: Added the prophet Ezekiel to the Gaebelein Annotated Bible Commentary.
March 10: Added a number of links to Bible
dictionaries and A.T. Robertson's Word Pictures in the New
Testament. These should be helpful study tools.
March 8: The King James Only
Controversy by James R. White has been posted in Christian Bookshare.
A couple of new links have also been added to the Links page. They are
Providence Baptist Ministries and Monergism. Both have links to numerous
books and articles. Look and choose wisely.
March 3: Commentaries on Jeremiah and
Lamentations by Gaebelein.
For you Greek scollars, "The AnswerBook" to Summers' Essentials of New
Testament Greek is being proofread. The same is true for Dana and
Mantey's Manual of NT Greek, volume 1 of 6.
February 25: Posted Prophetic Light In This Present Darkness by Kenneth
S. Wuest in the Christian Bookshare section. Also, posted a link there
also to 25 articles by John F. Walvoord on "The Revelation of Jesus
Christ". These appear to be equivalent to his book of the same title.
It appears there may be a number of other articles by him on BIBLE.ORG
as well.
February 24: Linked the Greek Study Aids section to the Home Page.
February 18: A Concise Dictionary of the Greek New Testament has been
reposted. The 3 volumes are now more evenly divided. Also, it has been
posted in a single BRF file for easier online or computer searching.
February 17: Added two links to the Greek New Testament Study Aids
page. The first is Vine's Expository Dictionary of the GNT. The second
is a link to a Greek Language Resources page which you can explore for
yourself. These do not require membership for access.
February 11: Metzger's Lexical Aids
for Students of New Testament Greek has been posted today.
By the way, should you become aware of errors in any of these posted
files, please let us know so that they might be fixed.
February: "The Greek Verb System has been posted.
January 31: The fourth small and second
large volumes of Essentials of New Testament Greek have been posted.
Hopefully The Greek Verb System by L. R. Elliott, same as Essentials
volume 5, will be posted by February 1st.
January 25, 2008: Two new Greek Study
Aids, A Concise Greek-English Dictionary, and A New Testament Greek
Primer by S. M. Baugh have been posted. This makes 5 plus primers and
a couple of lexical aids with more to follow.
January 22, 2008: Fixed "Essentials of New Testament Greek" small
volume 3. Now back to finishing volumes 4 and 5.
January 19, 2008: Fixed the "Essentials of New Testament Greek" files,
small volumes 1 and 2; large volume 1.
January 16, 2008: If you have downloaded the Summers' "Essentials of
New Testament Greek", do not try to emboss it as it will double-space
every line and waste a lot of paper. In the meantime, I will repost
those files when fixed.
January 14, 2008: I have added alink to
Optasia Ministry which provides scanned materials on CD for the visually
January 9, 2008: Two more Greek primers
have been added to the Greek Study Aids. The first is "APrimer of
Biblical Greek" by N. Clayton Croy, transcribed by the Braille
Transcription Project of Santa Clara County, North Branch, Los Altos, CA.
The second is a primer on classical Greek transcribed by the same group.
It is "ATHENAZE: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Book II by Balme and
Lawall. We include it here for the advance New Testament Greek student
who would like to do some comparative study.
December 21: Word Studies in Romans
by Wuest along with An Expanded Translation of The Epistle to the
Romans. In the Braille Library you
will find a version of Romans and First Corinthians with chapter and
verse references given with each verse.
December 20: Word Studies in Mark
by Kenneth Wuest has been added to the Christian Bookshare Library
along with Weust's Expanded Translation of the Gospel of Mark.
December 18: The Prophet
Isaiah from the Anotated Bible by Arno C. Gaebelein has now been posted.
As times permits the remaining Old Testament prophets will be posted as
December 14: Thanks to staff at the
NLS and the Santa Clara County Transcribers project staff we now have
three New Testament Greek study resources. If you know Greek, these may
help with review or further study. There will be much more to follow
so keep checking back.
December 6: An article
entitled "The Body: What Is It?" has just been posted to the Public
Domain Library index of articles and books. It examines the meaning of
the term "body" in First Corinthians 11:24, 27 and 29.
December 3, 2007: A new series of
sermon synopses and outlines entitled "Rapture Series" are beginning to
be posted in that index. About 12 will be available soon and many more
to follow on a weekly basis. If this interests you, keep checking
November 30: The first 9 lessons from
Essentials of New Testament Greek by Ray Summers has been posted in a
single volume file. Thanks to Catherine Thomas,,
and her special skills using Optical Braille Recognition scanning, it is
hoped that the remaining volumes along with several other study aids
will be posted in the near future. If this is an interest of yours, keep
checking back for new additions.
November 18: The completed Greek New Testament,
Bartimaeus Edition, has now been posted. The Gospel of Luke was
completed on the 7th and the Gospel of John posted on the 17th. Should
you find errors in the formatting, please let us know so that they can
be fixed. There may be a minor number of edits to indicate variants in
the future as time permits. If so, they will be mentioned either here or
in the GNT Index. Efforts are continuing to provide study aids and
perhaps even a United Bible Society edition of the Greek New Testament
with Critical apparatus. Keep checking back.
November 3, 2007: The Dispensational
Briefs published by the Dispensational Theological Seminary are now
being posted in the Public Domain Library. There are both .PDF and .HTML
posting, although, the .HTML may need a bit more editing.
October 26, 2007: The Gospel of Mark has been posted in the New
Testament Greek section. Also, if you are in need of a Greek primer,
a Greek-English dictionary, and Metzger's Lexical Aids, we hope to have
them posted early next year. Keep checking back for updates. There
is an extensive search being made as well to find additional NT Greek
study materials. If you know of any, please let us know too!
October 17: Posted the Gospel of Matthew in the Greek New Testament
October 8: Andy Bustanoby has once again
posted a blog after several months.
October 5: Over the next months
many Kenneth S. Wuest "Word Studies In The Greek New Testament for the
English reader will be added to the Christian Bookshare section. We
begin with "Golden Nuggets" and will be adding Word Studies in Mark,
Romans and several other books as well.
October 3, 2007: Today "The Acts of the Apostles" Greek text was
posted to the Braille Library section. The Gospels are coming.
September 21: Romans through Revelation has
now been posted to the braille formatted Greek New Testament page.
Revelation presented a real challenge deciding which of the large number
of variants should be used.
August 29: A concerted effort is being made
to complete the Stephanos Text of the Greek New Testament in braille
format. The Stephanos text precedes the Textus Receptus but is very
similar. If you are a Greek student, it is hoped that these files will
be helpful either on your refreshable braille display or embossed as
hardcopy, 40 cpl and 25 lpp. Check them out. You will need to apply for
a membership, however, which is free.
August 15: The Bartimaeus Bible
Conference 2007 recorded messages. Two are on the subject of "sin"
and 5 on the topic of "waiting".
Also, over the next week 7 seven booklets on the Christian Life will be
posted in the Christian Bookshare section. Three are already there.
They have been previously posted in the Braille Library section as well.
You will want to read these helpful books.
July 18: The Song of
Songs from Gaebelein's Annotated Bible Commentary
July 17: The Book of
Ecclesiastes from the Annotated Bible Commentary by Gaebelein has now
been added to that webpage.
July 6, 2007: The Book of
Proverbs from the Annotated Bible by Gaebelein.
June 27, 2007: Annotated Bible:
The Book of Job by Gaebelein.
June 24, 2007: The first of 3
messages on "The Role of the Holy Spirit in Future Events"
June 14: The Book of Esther
from the Annotated Bible by Gaebelin
"Abiding In Christ 6" has now been added to the Holy Spirit Series.
June 8, 2007: Messages
4 and 5 under the title "The Role of the Holy Spirit in Abiding In
Christ." Pastor Dave tells me that 4 more messages will finish this
series on the Holy Spirit.
May 31st: The Book of
Nehemiah from The Annotated Bible by Gaebelein
May 24, 2007: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Believer's Abiding in Christ -- I, II, III. Three messages continuing the theme of "The Work of the Holy Spirit in Present Tense Salvation."
Andy Bustanoby also has a couple of recent posts. .
May 1: Melody lines for the Praise
Chorusbook, 3rd edition. We have Carol James to thank for this excellent resource to tunes that will be a tremendous help to congregational accompanists and for personal enjoyment. THANKS CAROL!
My old DOS computer died and my old Windows 98 is threatening to do the same thing. The new XP Pro-based computer I am sure will be a useful tool just as soon as I can adjust my "Grandpa DOS" mindset to all the new software and techniques for moving through the seemingly endless menus, combo and dialog boxes, as well as lists, et cetera. Posting may be a bit slow in coming for a while. Your prayers will be greatly appreciated. In the meantime, check out the following posts.
April 30, 2007: Waiting
to Welcome Him: A outline for a sermon preached on the 15th of April.
See also Andy Bustanoby's latest blog: Watch
Out for Apophenia.
April 14, 2007: The
complete "Holy Spirit Series" to this point has now been posted. As more
synopses and outlines become available they will be added to the listing.
These studies are a good place for you to begin your own personal
investigation of our position and possessions "In Christ". You will find
Them extremely practical when properly understood and appropriated.
March 30, The Book of Ezra from the
Annotated Bible Commentary by A.C. Gaebelein
March 26: The Second
Book of Chronicles from Gaebelein's commentary.
Also the most recent Synopses and Outlines from the "Holy Spirit Series"
The Leading of the Holy Spirit--
II (III): Galatians 5:18
March 13: Andy Bustanoby has started
blogging again, in addition to his essays.
More sermon outlines and synopses are being added to fill in the gap in
the "Holy Spirit Series" by Pastor Dave Spurbeck.
February 27: We Have Something Better:
a hymn poem by Janice McPherson.
February 13: The
First Book of the Chronicles from the Annotated Bible by Gaebelein.
January 23, 30: More sermon outlines and
synopses have been added to the Holy Spirit Series By Pastor Spurbeck.
January 18: We have added a new link to the
HomePage called Personal Pages. It features the writings of blind Pastor
Bob Rathbun and retired pastor/counsellor Andy Bustanoby. It is expected
that you will both enjoy and be edified by these two men. Others will
be added as we grow forward.
January 11, 2007: The
Second Book of the Kings from Gaebelein's Annotated Bible
An article by Andy
Bustanoby on "The Sufficiency of Scripture"
Two more outlines
in "The Holy Spirit Series" by Pastor Spurbeck
Do let us know what you like about the materials offered in the Public Domain Print and/or Braille Libraries and elsewhere. We would even appreciate hearing about "braillos and typos" as well.